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Should I Change
The Post-Fluid Solution During the Day?
It seems that in some countries, practitioners recommend their patients to remove their scleral lenses 2-3 times per day to renew the saline in the bowl. There are two main reasons for this and are midday fogging and the belief that the entrapped post-lens saline becomes toxic after a few hours. However, there is no evidence-based reports showing post lens fluid reservoir toxicity, even in cases with midday fogging.
There is a general consensus among the international scientific committe that there is no need for a programmed basis to take the lenses out just as a preventive measure, even in patients with severe ocular surface diseases. There are only a few conditions where breaks may be recommended and includes: vision complaints from midday fogging, compromised graft cornea which can trigger microcystic corneal edema, and hypoxia at baseline in a graft or severe disease. This represents a small percentage of patients.
A very important aspect to consider is the to the serious hygienic consequences deriving from the removal of the lenses during the day in hygienic conditions that are not always optimal.
Many thanks to Tom Arnold, Karen Carrasquillo, Greg DeNaeyer, Jason Jedlicka, Lynette Johns, Langis Michaud, Christine Sindt, Eef van der Worp, e Maria Walker for their wonderful insights and contributions to this article.
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Via G. De Vito, 5 | Poggio Mirteto ⎪ Rieti